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Holiday Marketing Tips

The Christmas shopping season is already upon us! That being said, it's not too late to put some effective marketing efforts out there in time to get the attention of holiday shoppers. Companies, like consumers, can sometimes get a late start to the holidays. We've compiled a list of last-minute marketing tips so you don't miss out on opportunities that the holiday shopping season has to offer.

1. Use email to suggest great gift ideas. Send emails to your customers promoting your products. Keywords such as 'gift ideas' and 'last-minute' are good ways to get the attention of last-minute shoppers.

2. Christmas Countdown. Adding a countdown to Christmas to your website will remind shoppers that time is running out. The point of providing this added sense of urgency is to motivate them into making their purchases on your site.

3. Spread holiday cheer. Whether it's through social media, email or snail mail, simply sharing a holiday greeting to your customers can be the thing that keeps you in their minds while shopping this holiday season.

4. Holiday promotions. To catch the attention of holiday shoppers looking for exclusive deals, consider offering special promotions with catchy holiday themes such as "12 days of deals."

5. Offer last-minute deals. As Christmas gets closer, consider offering deals with added incentives such as rushed shipping.

6. Free customer service. If your business has a help line, provide free 24-hr customer service for a limited time.

Emotions run high during the holidays. No matter which of the above tips you choose to adopt this holiday season, attempt to develop emotional connections with your customers by using messaging that evokes friendship, family and generosity.

Already thinking ahead to 2016? Contact Weise for help developing a successful marketing strategy into the New Year.

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