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Are You Repurposing Your Blog Content?

As January comes to a close, so does our month-long series on content marketing. Throughout the month, we’ve covered some common mistakes to avoid, the best channels for distributing your content as well as the best tools with which to create, organize and operate your editorial calendar. With this week’s post, we finish off the series by discussing how to get the most use out of the content you create. This brings us to the business of repurposing content. Specifically, we will address repurposing blog content.

To begin with, let’s take a look at two huge benefits of reusing your blog posts:

Increased reach. Reworking some of your blog posts will give your content an opportunity to live on beyond the original post. Additionally, a new configuration – for instance, a visually appealing infographic – may catch the eye of a totally new audience.

Your content works for you. Creating content isn’t easy. We know there are times when coming up with ideas for your next blog post can really be a struggle. Simply put, recycling an older post gives you the opportunity to take a breath and refuel for the next big push.

Now that we’ve gone over reasons why recycling your old blog posts is useful, below are three effective options to choose from once you’ve selected posts to reuse:

Infographics. Infographics are incredibly useful because they allow you to streamline your information into an easily comprehendible format that will grab your audience’s attention. Transforming an old blog post into an aesthetically pleasing infographic will breathe new life into your content and give it a higher chance of being noticed and shared on social networks.

Videos. As we’ve stated many times in recent months, the popularity and effectiveness of video continues to grow at an incredible rate. your blog content to video can be as simple as taking your main points and presenting it in an entertaining manner. Like infographics, the more engaging the video, the higher the likelihood will be that it becomes viral.

Updates. A relatively simple way to make use of an older blog post is to create a new and improved version with updated information. Augmenting the original post in this way would ultimately strengthen it and add value for your audience because of the addition of timely information.

Are you interested in content marketing for your company? Are you unsure of where to start? Contact WEISE today to find out how we can help.

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