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Blog vs. Newsletter: A Content Marketing Dilemma

In the marketing world, we frequently come across clients that are unsure whether their company would benefit more from a blog or a newsletter. Since the two are quite similar, it is not uncommon for companies to be confused about which route to take. In the event that you currently find yourself in this exact quandary, we have attempted to help ease your decision by clarifying both approaches.

To begin with, we will discuss the chief benefits shared by both:

Awareness. Both methods allow your prospective customers to get a more complete look at your company. They accomplish this by going beyond the limited messaging of traditional advertising to give your audience a better idea of what you do and what you can do for them.

Demonstration of expertise. Presenting current information about your industry presents your company as a trustworthy source that is in the know. Blogs and newsletters are excellent platforms because they allow you to add value to your company by offering informative content that is important to your readers.

Sustained connections. Newsletters and blogs help you build relationships with your customers by sustaining connections with them even when they’re not directly doing business with you. Both approaches serve as reminders to your audience on a regular basis that your company is out there when they need it. This also provides the potential for some word-of-mouth business as a result of these customers recommending you to friends.

Now that we’ve covered the attributes that newsletters and blogs have in common, let’s take a look at each method’s individual qualities to help you formulate clear distinctions between the two:


Built-in audience. An email newsletter is distributed to individuals and companies that have submitted their email to you. Whether these are previous customers, current customers or contacts made through other means, they make up an audience that is familiar with your company, products or services. This lessens the chances that the content contained in your newsletter will fall on deaf ears and increases the chances that your newsletter will aid in the development of stronger relationships.

Promotional opportunities. Presenting a newsletter for your target audience to see gives you additional chances to advertise your products and make further sales. This can include offering special deals that only your newsletter subscribers will get.


Social media support. Creating original social media content can be a time-consuming process. Sharing your blog posts on social media gives you an opportunity to utilize original content that directs prospective customers to your website. This, coupled with the simple fact that your blog’s readers can share your blog posts on social networks of their choosing, means the possession of a blog has the potential to boost your social media performance and spread awareness of your brand to new audiences.

New website content. Another great advantage of including a blog on your website is the added opportunity for increased traffic. This opportunity arises because the more pages associated with your site equals a higher probability for your site to appear in search engines and attract even more sets of eyes.

As the above information makes clear, blogs and newsletters are quite similar. However, each possesses distinct characteristics. Knowing these characteristics allows you to choose the most appropriate method that will efficiently align with your company’s specific needs.

Are you ready to add a newsletter or blog to your marketing strategy to enhance the relationships you have with your customers? Contact WEISE so we can get started!

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