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Boost Your Mobile Marketing to Attract Millennials

Last week, we gave you tips on how to improve your content marketing in order to more effectively connect with the Millennial Generation. This week, we discuss the best ways to improve your mobile marketing with this same group in mind. As we mentioned in the first post of this series, 85% of Millennials own smartphones. This statistic makes it clear that Millennials are one of the foremost reasons mobile marketing is becoming so important.

Here are four easy ways to enhance your mobile marketing presence:

Ensure your website is mobile-ready. Your website’s compatibility with mobile devices is an absolute must. Millennials have little patience for the hassle of slow-loading mobile sites or inaccessible features. They expect the same user-friendly features across all platforms. If they don’t get it from your site, they’ll simply go somewhere else.

Keep it sharable. As is made evident through the popularity of such apps as Spotify and Snapchat, Millennials like to share. If a Millennial sees something of interest on your site and wants to share it, you want them to be able to do this with ease. To make this action a smooth one, make sure social media icons are clearly visible throughout all of your online marketing.

Don’t forget about apps. Just as you want your website to be represented well on mobile devices, it is also imperative that your company itself gets similar treatment in mobile apps. For example, when interested parties use their mobile devices to look for you on LinkedIn or Facebook, you want them to get a good impression of who you are and what you do. To this end, make sure your information is up-to-date and complete in these places.

Take advantage of texting. Millennials love a good deal. A great way to make use of this fact is to utilize texting. Texting is a personalized way to provide special offers to your customers and keep your name on their minds. Additionally, digital coupons can also add value in customers’ eyes.

As the use of mobile devices continues to grow in popularity, it only makes sense that you give your customers the best possible impression of your company and brand in this area.

Do you need help appealing to Millennials? Contact Weise today!

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